HomeHealthComplete Guide on NicView: UserName & Login Password

Complete Guide on NicView: UserName & Login Password

What Is Nicview?

NicView is an imaginative tiny camera strategy seated in designated bedrooms in the NICU and allows parents, household and companions to consider their baby in real-time, 24/7, through a safe online outlet. This assistance enables families to form that bond with their preemie or hospitalized baby even when they can’t be in the NICU with them. 

NicView can give you peace of sanity and deliver relief when you can’t be at the bedside.

The camera provides a secure picture stream for parents and household members to view their newborn remotely. Family members can securely be admitted to NicView® from anywhere if there is an internet connection via a laptop, smartphone, or tablet. The assistance is consistent with any internet-capable appliance and greatly famous browsers.

How Do I Access Nicview®?

nicview.net or www nicview.net are the websites where one can try and get access to the services provided or (nicview.net?lang=en) is the link where you can visit the official website.

  • Once you have signed a permission form to utilize the NicView® Streaming Camera System.
  • You will be delivered a printout with your unique login credentials. 
  • These credentials can furthermore be emailed or texted to you if you choose. The foremost time you or a family member login from a current appliance you may be inquired of to concede a one-time consent.
  • If you wish, you can share these credentials with your household members and companions. Please remind them not to share your personal information with others without your approval.

Is Nicview Safe?

NicView produces a streaming impression that tours securely with up to 256-bit SSL encryption, the recent net criterion, identical to online banking. Cameras do not disseminate sound & do not document tape.

No additional users will have access to your newborn’s pictures unless you have furnished them with the login credentials.

Once you are logged in, you will begin obtaining flowing images of your newborn.

Nonetheless, if the nanny is looking after the baby, the camera may be temporarily ‘off-line’ in which case you will notice an ‘off-line’ picture. Please review it soon. Recall, your infant’s maintenance is the topmost prerogative and your infant’s picture may be off-line often.

Please be forbearing and understand your infant is obtaining tremendous supervision.

Useful Data About Nicview For Parents:

The camera aims to be a convenience and connection for you and your household. If you see the NicView camera develops tension or is a distraction, please let the team know and the camera can be spun off.

The camera is mounted to one side of your infant’s mattress and should not be shifted. If you sense the camera lens instructs to be transferred, ring the NicView specialized assistance number at the underside of the viewing net. The camera lens can be transferred remotely.

If your infant has a covering over his/her incubator to safeguard it from ambient light, your opinion will be blackened.

If your infant is under phototherapy, the colour will be misinterpreted.

The camera will be offline when supervision is being furnished for your infant.

There will be moments when:

  • Your newborn has retained a wet burp or drools up
  • Your newborn has forfeited his/her pacifier.
  • Gaze patches have fallen or phototherapy is twisted off.
  • Your baby will not be functional due to nursing/medical supervision.

The supervision you notice and experience when you are in the NICU is the same as when you are in residence. Infants will change course, yell, and drool up and these are all biological infant responses. We inquire about your tolerance during these periods and please know your sitter is furnishing incredible consideration to your newborn.

What If One Requires Technical Support?

NicView furnishes specialized backing 24/7 for households. Please ring 855-Nic-View (855-642-8439) for your specialized demands.


If you are not able to look after your baby physically you can digitally look at your baby with the help of Nicview. It is very helpful for parents who wish to see what their baby is doing and under what circumstances the baby is being checked or treated. It gives 24/7 access to view one’s baby and have their eyes to see if the baby is in comfort or not.

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